Dylan's pressure check could not have gone better!! He did amazingly well that morning without having any food or drink. This came as quite a surprise because Dylan LOVES to eat, and he will not let you forget to feed him. This can make anesthesia days quite tricky and also difficult. But this time, he was a super trooper. We arrived to the surgery center on time (which, again, is a miracle in itself), AND they were actually running on time too! BONUS! Daddy was able to come along this time, and we also had baby brother Andrew with us. When it was time for Dylan to go back, Erik volunteered to take him while I stayed in the waiting room with Andrew. This was the very first time I did not accompany my baby back into the OR. At first I was hesitant, but daddy assured me that he could handle it. And he did. No surprise there. I am just a control freak, and it killed me not to be back there. The procedure only took about 5 minutes and the doctor came out with great news.... PERFECT PRESSURE! Those words were music to our ears! Praise God! I quickly followed the nurse back into the OR to greet my little munchkin as he woke up from the anesthesia. It is one of my favorite parts about the whole process because he is so happy to see me there. He also likes it because he gets apple juice and FOOD! Fishy crackers never tasted so good!
The next step now is to see the eye doc in 3 months and attempt to do a pressure check in the office. We already know how this will work out, so we will probably be back in the surgery center for another pressure check in 6 months. We can always hope and pray that by some miracle, Dylan will cooperate and let us check it in the office. Stranger things have happened! For now, he is in the clear and we just need to continue his daily drops that he loves so much. Poor kid will probably have to have drops the rest of his life. We are so thankful that his pressure was good and that no further actions need to be taken.
Thank you again for those of you who helped provide the funds needed to get the procedure done and for all of you who have been praying diligently for Dylan. You guys are AWESOME!!
More to come later, thank you for being patient :)