Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Week 12: {Emotive}

There is nothing that brings these boys out of their shells quite like NAKED TIME!! We try and do this a couple times a week....and the boys LOVE it!! Dylan is now learning how to take off his clothes so he gets really excited when the diaper gets to come off too! Thankfully, we have a lot of tile in the house, so the pee pee messes are kept under control :) They just love to run around and laugh and giggle....there is just something so fun about being naked! I love their little faces and the expressions of pure joy!
P.S. It was VERY difficult to not get any wee wees in these pictures! :)

Week 11: {PLAY}

Meet the Ele-FUN!  My grandma got this for the boys for Christmas because she LOVES elephants.  This toy may be their most favorite out of the hundreds they have! Who would have known that a ball popper could entertain kids for hours! It is always a big hit when friends of all ages come over.  They usually play pretty well together, and this was one of those times.  I was waiting for Dylan to start chucking the balls so that Andrew could'nt have them anymore, but he decided to play nice.  Don't let his cute little face fool you....he can get a little crazy!

Monday, March 11, 2013

This is Our Life: Week 10: {Changes}

It is amazing to me how fast kids grow up.  I feel like it was just yesterday that we were bringing Dylan home from the hospital.  It's hard to believe that he is going to be 4 next month!! And Andrew, he grows faster than any kid I have ever seen! He just started walking a few short weeks ago, and now he thinks he is a 5 year old! He wants to go everywhere and do everything that big brother D is doing.  STOP GROWING UP!!! Have they invented a time capsule yet that I can squeeze my little boys in? They seem to change everyday.  It's a good thing, but it's also a reminder that they will only be little for a short time.  I am so thankful that I am able to stay at home with my two little munchkins.  I am grateful that I am able to capture these priceless moments in their lives with my camera.  I love looking back at the hundreds (ok, lets be honest, THOUSANDS) of pictures that I have of the boys, and being able to see the changes throughout the months and years.  Thank you Lord for my precious and priceless gifts....I love them dearly!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Not a fan of the Eye Doc

Yesterday we had an appointment with Dylan's eye doctor to try and test his eye pressure in the office.  Dylan is not a fan of the eye doctor.  This is not because he is a bad guy, but simply because he is a doctor.  It seems as though the minute we walk through the door from the waiting room (filled with toys) into the long hallway, Dylan's whole demeanor changes.  He is immediately aware of what is going to happen.  Why do doctor's offices have to be so scary?  We were hopeful after the visit with Dr. Graham that he may give this doctor a chance, but no such luck.  As soon as I propped him up on my lap in the exam chair, he is suspicious of everyone that walks into the room.  The doc tried to get him to look at his new fancy schmancy tool, but Dylan did not want anything to do with it.  With this 2nd failed attempt, the doctor is recommending that we do the eye pressure test under anesthesia.  I really, REALLY, do not want to go this route again.  Yes, it costs a lot of money to do it this way, but I HATE putting him under anesthesia once more.  The poor kid has gone through sooooooooo much anesthesia and I am ready to be done with it.  The procedure has not been scheduled yet and the doctor said that if we wait a month or two, that it would not make much of a difference. 
Today we went down to the Foundation for Blind Children to get Dylan fitted for his new glasses.  Sadly, his prescription has increased 10% and it is time to get some new ones.  His face is also outgrowing the current style and size that he has now.  This makes me sad.  They have become his signature look, and such a cute one at that! It's strange to see him in a different style, especially because they make him look so much older.  Can't he stay my baby forever?  He is going to be 4 next month! How is that possible?!  His new snazzy and stylish glasses should get here in about a month or so.  I hope he likes them! The greatest part about this whole appointment was that the glasses were FREE! That's right! God provided a grant through FBC and we are getting his new glasses at no cost to us.  I love it when we can see God work in unexpected ways!
 The eye doctor who saw him today was a really sweet woman.  She seemed to connect with Dylan really well and he let her touch his eyes without a problem.  She shared my frustration with having to put him under anesthesia for the eye pressure check and gave me a few suggestions to avoid it.  I am going to see if the doc will try one more time in the office and if we can get down on Dylan's level and make it a game.  He loves games.  In fact, it is hard to get him to be serious about anything because he thinks everything is a game.  So hopefully we will get one more shot!
I'll keep you updated as soon as I schedule the next appointment. 
Thank you to those of you who have donated to help us with the costs of Dylan's ongoing care and thank you to all of our prayer warriors out there!! You guys are truly appreciated! 

Week 9: {Out of the Shadows}

I tried to catch Dylan with the camera without him seeing me.  I guess I am not as stealthy as I imagined and he caught me.  This was the one day I did not want him looking at the camera and he was borderline crying because I told him to look outside.  He is such a goober.  I love his little silhouette, and I love his ears!!