Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Where does the time go?
Hello everyone! I cannot believe that Andrew is almost 4 months old! Where does the time go??? I am so behind on everything, including this blog. So, for now, I will just start with the newest stuff going on and update everything else later. First off, the boys are doing wonderful! Andrew is a very healthy and chubby baby! He is so much different than Dylan in every aspect of the word. We are enjoying every moment with him. Dylan is doing really well too. We just celebrated his 3rd birthday! Do I really have a 3 year old?! Wow, time does fly! It's crazy to think that our little adventure with Dylan started almost 3 years ago. Each year as we celebrate another year of life with Dylan, it is impossible not to think of everything that we have been through with him and how far he has come. He is a constant reminder of God's faithfulness in our lives. Medically, Dylan is doing amazing. He sees his oncologist,Dr. Graham, once every six months; although we would love to visit him more often. He is now getting his eye pressure checked every 6 months also. Other than that, he is growing and thriving, and loving being a BIG brother. We recently applied for ALTCS through the state. It is a state medical insurance that would cover Dylan and provide for all of his medical needs. But, God had a different plan. Dylan was denied the coverage, which came as a shock to us and all of his therapists. He scored 33 points out of a needed 40 points to qualify. So for now, Dylan is not covered under any insurance. This leaves Erik and I with some decisions to make. Please pray for us as we decide what is best to do for our little family. Our main concern at this point is the eye pressure checks that Dylan needs. We have an appointment next thursday at Dylan's eye doctors office. We are going to attempt to get the pressure in his office. This seems like an impossible feat since Dylan won't even let the doc look in his eye without a fight. At this point, it's our only option that won't end up costing us an arm and a leg. PLEASE pray that we can get Dylan to relax enough to get a good pressure check. Dylan's therapies are also not covered anymore. He was getting physical therapy, speech therapy, and occupational therapy. Thankfully, we have built good relationships with the therapists and they are all being very understanding and have offered to help with advice and ideas on how I can work with him at home. In August, Dylan will be attending the Surprise developmental preschool for a couple of hours a day. As hard as it will be for me to drop off my little man at school, I know that will be the best way for him to continue to develop. When he went through the initial evalutaions, most of his results showed him in the 12-18 month age range. As of right now, his issues are developmental and not disabilities. Everyone we talk to seems to think that he will eventually catch up. He is smart little kiddo, and once he starts to talk, the rest will follow. We are just thankful that he is here, alive, and bringing laughter and love into our lives. We know that God has a plan in all of this, and that He will provide. I think that is all of the "big" stuff for now. Stay tuned for some more posts and lots and lots of pictures!
Thank you for your prayers!

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