Monday, March 11, 2013

This is Our Life: Week 10: {Changes}

It is amazing to me how fast kids grow up.  I feel like it was just yesterday that we were bringing Dylan home from the hospital.  It's hard to believe that he is going to be 4 next month!! And Andrew, he grows faster than any kid I have ever seen! He just started walking a few short weeks ago, and now he thinks he is a 5 year old! He wants to go everywhere and do everything that big brother D is doing.  STOP GROWING UP!!! Have they invented a time capsule yet that I can squeeze my little boys in? They seem to change everyday.  It's a good thing, but it's also a reminder that they will only be little for a short time.  I am so thankful that I am able to stay at home with my two little munchkins.  I am grateful that I am able to capture these priceless moments in their lives with my camera.  I love looking back at the hundreds (ok, lets be honest, THOUSANDS) of pictures that I have of the boys, and being able to see the changes throughout the months and years.  Thank you Lord for my precious and priceless gifts....I love them dearly!

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