Andrew is 1!! He actually turned one on December 29th. Because of the craziness of the holidays we decided to skip the whole birthday party thing this year, and also partly because he is one and does not even care. In my defense, we sang Happy Birthday to him on his birthday and had cupcakes while at a family gathering. The downside was that I did not have my camera and was not able to document the occasion. It was the first time he had a a cupcake, or frosting for that matter. To say that he like it would be a huge understatement. He took a small bite and then dove head first into the cupcake. It was hilarious! So here we are almost a month later and I decided that we needed to have an official celebration, mainly because I wanted pictures! So we gathered some family members who were not there for the first round and had a small celebration. He loved it! I blew up some balloons and ordered a cake from Sams club (I know, I know, I should have made it, but who has time?!). This time I had my camera ready to catch the action! Here are a few pictures from Saturday. Happy Birthday to my little man! I wish I could FREEZE time and keep him small forever. Before I know it, he will be 10! I love and adore him so much and am trying to cherish every moment with my crazy little boys.

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