Well this post is a little late, but at least I am getting it done within the same month! Our little man turned 4 on April 16th. Where in the world does the time go? As I look at this progression of pictures, one word comes to my mind--JOY!! This little one has brough us so much JOY over the past four years and continues to make every day a new adventure!
I remember the day we found out we were pregnant with him. The day before I bought a pregnancy test at the Walgreens next to work (a generic one because it was the cheapest!) and I took it out of the box and shoved the stick in my purse so that nobody at work would see it. Bad move on my part. Along with the box that I tossed were the result indicators! You would think that I would have know which was a postive or a negative, but I was not sure. The next morning when I took the test, the two lines showed up but I did not know for sure if that meant pregnant for this particular test. Needless to say, it was the longest two hours of my life before the Walgreens opened so I could go in and check!! I think the people in Walgreens probably thought I was nuts as I screeched with excitement when I found out for SURE that the test was positive!! Little did I know that day that the Lord was knitting the most wonderful little boy in my womb. I did not know about the trials that were planned for me or the grand adventure that He would take us on. Although our beginning first year with Dylan was not what we had hoped for as new parents, it was exactly where God wanted us. His journey allowed God to pour his abundant grace upon us and allowed us to endure that great trial every single day. People always ask us how we got through it, and the answer is always God. It was by His strength alone. We are stronger today, more than ever, becasue of what God did in our lives. He has used Dylan in countless ways to reach out to others and show them the love and grace of God. Praise be to God for blessing us with this amazing little boy! We know that our trials with Dylan's medical issues are not yet over, but we also know that the Lord will provide the funds and the strength to get through them! Thank you for everyone who has been on this journey with us and has gotten on their knees to pray for Dylan. I cannot wait to share with him that thousands of people came together and prayed for him daily!

Dylan's Questions at 4 Years Old
(Mommy answered them for him this year)
1.) Favorite Breakfast: Pancakes and yogurt
2.) Favorite Lunch: Anything pasta
3.) Favorite Dinner: Spaghetti
4.) Favorite Fruit: Pineapple
5.) Favorite Vegetable: Baby carrots
6.) Favorite Treat: Chips and Salsa
7.) Favorite Drink: Water....I am a lucky mommy!
8.) Favorite Activity: Playing outside and pushing around his car
9.) Favorite Color: BLUE! It is one of the only colors he can say :)
10.) Favorite Toy: Plasma Car or shopping cart....anything with wheels!
11.) Favorite Animal: Dogs
12.) Favorite Book: You're My Little Love Bug
13.) Favorite Song: If You're Happy and You Know It
14.) Favorite Holiday: Christmas....he loves the lights!
15.) Favorite Thing to do with Mommy: Run errands without baby brother, he loves the one on one time with mommy!
16.) Favorite Thing to do with Daddy: Wrestle and get thrown on the couch
17.) Favorite Thing to do as a Family: Go to the park
18.) Favorite Thing to do at Home: Watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
19.) Who's your best friend: Andrew and Lily (our dog)
20.) What do you want to do when you grow up: I think he will want to be an entertainer of some sort....he loves to make people laugh and have fun!
We had a Lego themed birthday party for Dylan this year. He LOVES legos! He thought all of the colors were really fun, and mommy enjoyed creating all of the details! Thank you to all of your who were able to join us and celebrate his big day! He LOVES all of his new legos, books, puzzles, and Mickey Mouse stuff. He is a bit spoiled, and I am ok with that! We are blessed with the best friends, family, and support system! THANK YOU!!
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